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Glimpses from Lectures on 28 May, 2024 (Special Lecture on History, Art, Archaeology and Culture)


Glimpses from International Museum Day on 18th May, 2024


Glimpses from Shimla Art Festival 26 to 28 April, 2024 at Bantony Castle, Shimla


Glimpses from Three days Seminar on History,Art,Archaeology and Culture from 20 to 22 March 2024 at Himachal State Museum,Shimla


Golden Jubilee Ceremony of Himachal State Museum, Shimla JAN 24


Glimpses from Inauguration of All India Art Exhibition 2023 on 26th December, 2023 at Himachal State Museum, Inverarm Hill, Shimla.


Glimpses from one week Brāhmī Script Workshop from 22nd to 28th November, 2023. Dr. T. S. Ravishankar former Director Epigraphy Archaeology Survey of India was the resource person.


Glimpses from Art and Craft Fair held on 23rd to27th November, 2023 at The Ridge Maiden Shimla.


Lecture on Indo Aryan and the Linguistic History and Pre History of North India by Professor Claus Peter Zoller, University of Oslo on 21 November 2023.


Glimpses from 105th Annual Conference of Numismatic Society of India hosted by Himachal State Museum, Shimla from 27th to 29th October, 2023 at Shimla.


Glimpses from National Seminar on Tribal Society, Linguistic Landscape and their Traditional Knowledge System at Himachal State Museum, Shimla on 26-27 September,2023.

About Past Event

Ambassador of Iceland, H. E. Mr. Gudni Bragason visited Himachal State Museum, Shimla on 18th September, 2023.


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