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Special Lecture on History, Art, Archaeology and Culture.

Shimla Museum Thakur: Himachal State Museum, Shimla, is organising two special lectures at Himachal State Museum, Chaura Maidan, Shimla (Inverarm Hill), on May 28, 2024, at 11:00 am. In this regard, we extend the invitation to the faculties and students of university and colleges to attend these special lectures. Topics of the lectures are as mentioned below:
1.  Media and History in Today’s World
     by Professor Rakesh Batbyal, Centre for Media Studies, JNU.
2. The Dance of Shiva: Philosophy, Mythology and Iconography of the Chola bronze Nataraja
     by Prof.  R. Mahalakshmi, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU.
Himachal State Museum Shimla